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Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Think Aloud Learning Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Think Aloud Learning Strategy - Assignment Example The creators express that the Think Aloud strategy for perceiving discernment is a method of learning the profitable considering process understudies, a reality that is affirmed by the examination contemplates that the analysts directed. The Think Aloud procedure is a procedure utilized by powerful educators to show the viability of the methodology to understudies. This is finished by showing the simplicity of taking care of issues that require intellectual deduction to take care of the issues. The significance of the Think Aloud process is a way that can be utilized by educators to evaluate how their understudies react to hard undertakings in the homeroom setting. This is on the grounds that the procedure offers educators the chance to get familiar with the shortcomings of their understudies in critical thinking circumstances, in this way, helping in the ID of compelling arrangements. The procedure additionally shows understudies the significance of inside discourse in issue disting uishing proof and arrangement, a reality that prompts the successful advancement of understanding abilities. The Think Aloud process permits understudies to form into intelligent and autonomous students, subsequently, prompting compelling accomplishment of learning errands. This factor is useful on the grounds that it permits the understudy to move toward issues with the correct mentality for powerful arrangements. ... In this manner, the instructor observing the understudies can recognize shaky areas in the perusing technique utilized by the understudy, and propose powerful answers for the issues. The Think Aloud technique is additionally utilized in issue arrangement, where the understudy alludes to the means previously finished in the arrangement procedure, and recognizes mistakes or troubles experienced. Thusly, the Think Aloud methodology is utilized to improve the critical thinking capacity of the understudies and improve their learning capacity. The other use of the Think Aloud process is to research and information assortment. The way toward verbally processing when playing out a troublesome errand is likewise valuable in gathering information identified with the intellectual procedure of a guinea pig. This implies, a scientist intending to examine the subjective procedure can use the Think Aloud technique to recognize the psychological procedures engaged with the reasoning procedure; thusl y, the outcomes can be utilized to outline forms. As per Johnstone, Bottsford-Miller and Thompson (2006), the Think Aloud process is autonomous of the interpretive procedure in the human cerebrum; thusly, the information gathered from the procedure is reasonable and can't be controlled by an understudy or analyst. In this way, the Think Aloud procedure can be recognized to be of significance in the arrangement procedure of an examination study. #3 In the human services industry, the Think Aloud procedure can likewise be utilized to distinguish answers for the issues expressed previously. As indicated by Phaneuf (2009), the nursing business is as of now presented to changing circumstances and expanding remaining tasks at hand. The creator expresses that after the adjustment in nursing
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Russian Communism Leninism And Stalinizm Is What Essays
Russian Communism: Leninism and Stalinizm is what? Russian Socialism: Leninism and Stalinizm is what? The ghost is frequenting Europe?the phantom of socialism... So what is this ghost called socialism and how frightful is it truly? The Webster's Dictionary says that socialism is a framework of social association in which all financial and social movement is controlled by an authoritarian state commanded by a solitary and self-sustaining political party. Karl Marx says that socialism is abrogation of private property. Others state it is equivalent division of inconsistent income or it is a sedative of the intelligent people. Indeed, even some venture to such an extreme as to broadcast that socialism is a state type of Christianity. The primary concern is?communism is 33% practice and 66% clarification of a bombed explore, as the creators of Twelve Chairs, E. Ilf and I. Petrov, characterize it. The fundamental topic of Twelve Chairs is to characterize the Russian socialism. The creators, however their two heroes, Ostap Bender and Ippolit Vorobyaninov, use parody what's more, slight embellishment to criticize the ineptitude and imperfections of Soviet social structure in an entertaining yet contacting, despairing way. The quest for bejeweled seats takes Bender what's more, Vorobyaninov from the areas of Moscow to the wilds of Soviet Georgia what's more, the Trans-Caucasus Mountanins. Ostap Bender is a jobless rascal living by his brains in post progressive Soviet Russia. He unites with Ippolit Vorobyaninov, a previous aristocrat who has come back to his old neighborhood to discover a store of missing gems, which were covered up by his mom in one of the twelve seats. The Soviet specialists had seized these seats, just as the entirety of Vorobyaninov's assets including his house. Not just does the quest for bejeweled seats fills in as a plot gadget for the novel, it likewise adds to mocking the Soviet framework. On their long and exciting campaign, Drinking spree and Vorobyaninov satirically investigate progress and accomplishment of the Soviet Communism; they arrive at resolution, of course, that there is no achievement (accomplishment of the Soviet Communism) on the grounds that there was not progress in the first place. Socialism, as the novel brings up, is disparity, however not as property seems to be. Property is misuse of the feeble by the solid, socialism is misuse of the solid by the feeble. In what capacity can the powerless maltreatment the solid? Sounds silly isn't that right? However it is the reality of the Soviet Communism. One of the central matters of Soviet purposeful publicity was to dispose of all the rich, that is taught upper-white collar class, furthermore, let the ignorant lower-white collar class rule in a ridiculous society. How could such thing be conceivable? How could individuals who don't have the foggiest idea how to administer be in control? How could the last be first and the first be last? That is the silliness of Soviet mechanical assembly, for it conflicts with the human nature. Since the promising end to present circumstances was to accomplish awkward society, everybody must be of one class, that is class of the low class. Subsequently, everybody must be equivalent. Everybody should live in the equivalent collective condos, everybody must wear a similar sort of dress, everybody must have the equivalent political (thought of socialism), and everybody must get a similar measure of cash for his/her administrations to the nation. What's more, that is, as Bender brings up in an exchange with a Moscow laborer, the preposterousness of the socialist program. They [communists] went from terrible to more regrettable, Bender finishes up (78). The ramifications of that sentence is that Lenin got free off all the well off (the individuals who were in control in Czarist Russia) and filled the vacuum with the working class. Therefore all specialists turned out to be, hypothetically what's more, for all intents and purposes, accountable for their production lines or plants. What's more, what occurs when everybody is in control consequently shaping an awkward society? The appropriate response is straightforward. Socialism or its equivalent word? babble. Furthermore, by what means can everybody get a similar measure of cash for various kinds of administrations; by what means can everybody get paid the equivalent? It's the pointlessness of Soviet Communism, as the book calls attention to. Thus, the balance of wages made pandemic lethargy and slackness in Soviet Union. For example, envision yourself a designer in an industrial facility and envision your companion, Joe Smith, a straightforward specialist in that equivalent manufacturing plant. In spite of the fact that you worked extensively harder and more to get you Ph.D. in building and Joe Smith didn't, for he is a basic specialist, both of your pay rates are about the equivalent. Before long, you will begin posing yourself one plain inquiry: why I work multiple times harder, both intellectually and truly, at that point Joe Smith yet our checks are similar? What's more, gradually you
Friday, August 21, 2020
Homeless Man Steve
Homeless Man Steve This evening as I was leaving Best Buy, I noticed this man going through the garbage can outside of the store. As I walked to my car I watched him as he reached in the garbage can and pulled out fast food trash bags and inspected all that was in the thrown away bags. He did this for several minutes. He would find a few fries in one bag and a bite or two of a hamburger in another bag. You can see the hamburger wrapper by his knee where he was placing the food items hed found.He never bothered anyone or tried to stop and beg for money as people entered and left the store. After he went through the entire trash can he neatly cleaned up the area and wrapped up the food he found in the dirty hamburger wrapper. My heart literally hurt for him. I am not someone who just hands out money or even helps homeless people because so many are not truly homeless. I dont guess Ive ever seen someone actually go through a garbage can to try to find food to eat.SteveI knew I had to help him. I got out o f my car and asked him if I could buy him something to eat. He told me he would appreciate anything I could get him. He was on a bike and I told him if hed follow me Id buy him a meal at the fast food place around the block. He followed me and I bought him the biggest meal they had on the menu. The only request he gave me for his order was if I could get him a big glass of sweet tea to go with his meal! When I brought him his food, he was so thankful. He told me his name was Steve and hed been homeless ever since his sister died last September. He was trying to get off the streets, but it was so hard. I told him God loved him and I would pray for him. He told me again how much he appreciated the meal.When I got back in my car, I drove off with such a heaviness in my heart for this man. I drove down the road and felt compelled to go back to help this man. When I came back he had finished his meal and was riding away. I pulled up beside him and asked him if there was any way I could help him. He told me not really. He never asked me for money. I asked him if I could buy him a few meals and put it on a gift card for him. He told me that would be so kind. I drove to McDonalds and bought him some meals and gave him a gift card.He broke down crying. He told me that he prayed for me today! I wasnt sure what he meant (I was assuming he was praying for me for what I did for him) so I thanked him. He said, No, you dont understand. I prayed that God would send someone to buy me a hot meal today and he sent you! I didnt know what to say I was speechless! Praying for a hot meal wasnt a prayer I had prayed today! Come to think of it, thats not a prayer Ive ever prayed! I always pray over my food, but Ive never prayed for a meal its expected! Ive never doubted that I wouldnt be able to eat Tears began to fill my eyes! Oh my how blessed am I Maybe God used me to answer this mans prayer to let him know that He cares for Him and knows what goes going through! But, maybe God us ed this man to show me just how blessed I am and what I take for grantedHe said, You see, I have cancer! He pulled up his shirt and pointed to a huge mass that was poking out from his stomach. He said said he knew it wouldnt be much longer. I asked him if knew Jesus. He told me that he did. I asked if I could pray for him and he said that I could. We prayed right there on the sidewalk of McDonalds. Tears just poured from his eyes. He told me he knew that he was going to die and that he was ready to die. He was tired of being in pain and he would be better off dead because this was no life living this way. I stayed and encouraged him for a few minutes trying to fight back my tears. My prayer is that I showed him the love of Jesus today that something I said gave him a hope.You see, everybody has a story! I know Steves story now all because I felt compelled to help him he ended up touching me today!When I left him, I knew I had done what God wanted me to do! God put him in my path to day I know he did! Ive never felt such a feeling to help someone as I did today. I was reminded again of how blessed I am! I have a vehicle that gets me from place to place, I have a roof over my head, clean clothes, money to buy a hot meal, running water, electricity, my health, a job, family, and friends! Sometimes God sends situations our way to remind us of how blessed we are! If youve read this far, please remember Steve in your prayers!Yes, I have been blessed, Gods so good to me! Precious are His thoughts of you and me! Theres no way I could count them, theres not enough time, so Ill just thank Him for being so kind. God has been good, so good! I have been blessed!By John Brantley Principal at A. C. Moore Elementary
Monday, May 25, 2020
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( Ocd ) - 1257 Words
Keegan Steele Mrs. Vorhees English 10H 14 October 2015 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, commonly called OCD, is an anxiety disease that affect approximately 2% of the US population (Bainkerhoff). People with OCD worry about issues (that can be minor or major) to an extreme degree (EBSCO). The disease is characterized by two major components: obsessions and compulsions, as the name ensues. These obsessions and/or compulsions and their effects can lead to severe dysfunctionality in one’s life and in a family. However, coping with and treating OCD can prove to be much more of a challenge than simple drugs or therapy sessions. In fact, OCD patients will rarely consult their doctor about their habits. Instead, it is depression (caused by OCD in this case) which leads them to go seek help. The features of OCD are quite different from other anxiety disorders. As defined by â€Å"the most recent classification of mental disorders by the American Psychiatric Association,†(Bainkerhoff) the Diagnostic an d Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), the characteristics of OCD include: 1.) recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are severe enough to take up more than one hour a day or that cause marked distress, and 2.) the persons recognitions that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable. While this definition only requires a patient to have either obsessions or compulsions, both are present in aShow MoreRelatedObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)1756 Words  | 8 Pages Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder that can affect children and adults. In order to fully understand OCD, many different areas of the disorder must be reviewed. First, OCD will be defined and the diagnosis criteria will be discussed. Secondly the prevalence of the disorder will be considered. The different symptoms, behaviors and means of treatment are also important aspects that will be discussed in order to develop a clearer understan ding of the implications of obsessive compulsiveRead MoreEssay on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)875 Words  | 4 Pagessevere Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that triggers people to have unwanted fixations and to repeat certain activities again and again. Everyone has habits or certain ways of doing something with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder these habits severely interrupt the way they live their lives ( Editorial Staff). About one in 40 people suffer from some form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ABRAMOWITZ). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder oftenRead MoreLiving With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)1190 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferences between both symptoms and experiences of six different authors who have been personally affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Since OCD is not very well understood by many members of the public (Escape), I hope that the experiences of the authors that I researched will be able to paint a vivid picture of what life with OCD is like. Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves a chemical imbalance in the brain. This chemical imbalance is thought to be the main reason for obsessionsRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay2901 Words  | 12 Pages             Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects an average 1.7% of the population according to the Stanford University School of Medicine.  The recognition of this psychological disorder has grown in the recent years.  As the knowledge of this disorder becomes more prevalent, those suffering have become more willing to seek help (OCDA).             OCD is a condition â€Å"in which people experience repetitive and upsetting thoughts and/or behaviors†(OCDA).  While there are many variationRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay800 Words  | 4 Pages Obsessive Compulsive Disorder And Its Effect On Life Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, involves anxious thoughts or rituals one feels and cant control. . For many years, OCD was thought to be rare. The actual number of people with OCD was hidden, because people would hide their problem to avoid embarrassment. Some recent studies show that as many as 3 million Americans ages 18 to 54 may have OCD at any one time. This is about 2.3% of the people in this age group. It strikes men and women inRead More Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essays2616 Words  | 11 Pagesis a very powerful piece of structure; it is truly limitless when speaking about its potential. With a functional organ comes a dysfunctional possibility. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, (OCD), for instance, is nervousness in the mind. OCD is an anxiety disorder caused by repetitive intrusive thoughts and behaviors. It is a mental disorder marked by the involvement of a devotion to an idea or routine. Essentially, it is a false core belief which is believing that there is something wrong, causingRead MoreEssay on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)3370 Words  | 14 Pages Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease that many people know of, but few people know about. Many people associate repeated washing of hands, or flicking of switches, and even cleanliness with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however there are many more symptoms, and there are also explanations for those symptoms. In this paper, I will describe what obsessive compulsive disorder is, explain some of the effects of it, and explain why it happens. I will also attempt to prove that while medicationRead More Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay1758 Words  | 8 PagesOCD: Whats in Control? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that is the fourth most common mental illness in the U.S. (8). OCD affects five million Americans, or one in five people (3). This is a serious mental disorder that causes people to think and act certain things repetitively in order to calm the anxiety produced by a certain fear. Unlike compulsive drinking or gambling, OCD compulsions do not give the person pleasure; rather, the rituals are performed to obtainRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay examples1375 Words  | 6 PagesObsessive Compulsive Disorder â€Å"I know my hands are clean. I know that I have touched nothing dangerous. But†¦ I doubt my perception. Soon, if I do not wash, a mind numbing, searing anxiety will cripple me. A feeling of stickiness will begin to spread from the point of contamination and I will be lost in a place I do not want to go. So I wash until the feeling is gone, until the anxiety subsides. Then I feel defeated. So I do less and less, my world becomes smaller and smaller and more lonelyRead MoreEssay about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)474 Words  | 2 Pages Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that effects nearly 5 million Americans, and half a million children. Its a disease that fills the brain with unwanted ideas, and worries. OCD is a diseases that effects the Cerebral frontal cortex. Unfortunately there is no cure for OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder can start developing as early as age five. In most cases OCD controls your life. Through out the rest of this paper I hope to inform you on Obsessive compulsive Disorders
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Radical Ideas in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay
Radical Ideas in Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte knew what she was doing when she assumed the pseudonym of Currer Bell. In Jane Eyre she wanted to pose radical ideas regarding the role of women in the 19th century, but being a sensible woman, she knew that society would never accept having a woman pose these new views. It would be altogether too logical and self-praising. Though the author was never credited for the published novel it must have been equally fulfilling for her to know that people had read the opinions voiced by a woman. Brontes novel was successful as her refreshing story captivated the attention, if only negative, of many audiences. Jane Eyre is the epitome of feminism as her main objective in life is†¦show more content†¦Jane refuses to think any less of herself than those who surround her. As a child she naively thought herself the equal of her cousins, and often forgot that she was merely a dependent kept at the mercy of her benefactress. Bessie kindly reminds Jane of this a fter her retaliation to her young master, but the stubborn Jane replies, Master! How is he my master? Am I his servant? (pg. 9). Janes determination to place her eyes at the same level as her cousins forces her aunt to cast her away to seek a future far from them. Ironically, Mrs. Reed sent her away wishing her worse treatment, but Jane would be rewarded by finally being treated as an equal at Lowood as well as at Thornfield. At the orphanage, Jane develops a strong foundation for having other people regard her for what she accomplishes. Jane fondly remembers, ...I...set to work afresh, resolved to pioneer my way through every difficulty. I toiled hard, and my success was proportionate to my efforts (pg. 91). Jan learned the most important lesson of her life thereemdash;she could make others grow to respect her by affirming her character. Independence was born out of Janes experiences at Lowood, and it made her a person with a will of her own. The first sign of it comes when she arranges to leave Lowood by finding a place where her talents can be put to use. Jane shows great initiativeShow MoreRelatedJane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Essay1162 Words  | 5 PagesCharlotte Bronte is, first and foremost, a storyteller at heart. She broke a mold for women at her time because there were not many occupations that were deemed acceptable besides ‘teacher’ or ‘governess’ in the mid-nineteenth century. Her imagination was far too creative to be left unwritten on a page. Charlotte Bronte’s writings reflect her opinions on women’s roles in society and such opinion is shown in Jane Eyre. Although Jane Eyre was considered radical for its time because women weren’t supposedRead More The Oppressed Female in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre886 Words  | 4 PagesThe Oppressed Female in C harlotte Brontes Jane Eyre     In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontà « clearly demonstrates the relationship between sexuality and morality in Victorian society through the character of Bertha Mason, the daughter of a West Indian planter and Rochesters first wife. Rochester recklessly married Bertha in his youth, and when it was discovered shortly after the marriage that Bertha was sexually promiscuous, Rochester locked her away. Bertha is called a maniac and isRead MoreOn Feminism and Jane Eyre Essay1257 Words  | 6 Pagesliberty from, or equality with, men in a society dominated by men. These seekers are called feminists and many feminists see Charlotte Bronte’s titular character Jane Eyre as a proto-feminist icon of the Victorian era. Not only does Jane Eyre show the struggle of one woman under one man it represents the struggle of women in a male-dominated society. Reading Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre through a feminist perspective reveals Jane’s fight for independence , individuality, and equality in a society controlledRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1601 Words  | 7 Pagesfeminist’s beliefs would likely shock her, so to interpret this novel as feminist, one must see it through the lens of the time and place Brontà « wrote it. Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre was a feminist work in that Bronte expressed disdain for oppressive gender structures through the voice of Jane Eyre, and the actions of Bertha Mason. Jane Eyre was a steamy novel for its time, with imagery as blatantly concealed as Jane’s description of Rochester’s hand as being â€Å"rounded, muscular; and vigorous†¦longRead MoreCHARLOTTE BRONTE AS A HIDDEN WRITER INTRODUCTION Charlotte bronte was an English novelist and poet800 Words  | 4 PagesCHARLOTTE BRONTE AS A HIDDEN WRITER INTRODUCTION Charlotte bronte was an English novelist and poet and the eldest of the three bronte sisters.even after a strenuous childhood she managed to write and publish her works and gain fame. Being a Victorian writer, obviously it was a difficult task for her to take her own stand in a male dominated era. After many rejections and disparages she decided to change her pen name from charlotte bronte to Currer Bell. The main reason behind writing as a male wasRead More Charlotte Bronte Critiques Victorian Culture in Jane Eyre Essay1816 Words  | 8 Pagessocial order is directly challenged. This natural tendency causes change to occur slowly in societies after years of different ‘radicals’ pushing for transformation. Their critiques, especially in the beginning, are received with scorn and contempt. It takes a unique voice to covertly instill some of the contentious messages in the mind of the general public. Charlotte Brontà «, through her telling Jane’s life story, con veys controversial concepts about Victorian Society in an acceptable way. She illustratesRead MoreConforming To Society’S Rules Is Not An Option For Everyone.1127 Words  | 5 Pagesorphan Jane Eyre. Jane lived during the Victorian Era in England. During this time period women did not have the same freedoms as men, so as of result women lived under constant oppression. Women had to suffer loveless marriages and the inability to survive without men. Not only, were women oppressed emotionally they were not able to be independent from men. Jane Eyre objects the rules of society and attempts to find passion and independence in her life. Within Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà «, Jane Eyre’sRead MoreExplore How the Theme of Isolation Is Used in of Jane Eyre with Particular Focus on the Opening Chapters3688 Words  | 15 Pagesexploring how the theme of isolation is used throughout the novel Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte, with particular focus on the opening chap ters. When Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre in 1847, it became an immediate bestseller. It contained themes of which were previously rarely brought to light and of which many believed to be controversial, such as womens place in the Victorian society, of which Bronte lived in. Jane Eyre was written in first person narrative. This technique immediatelyRead MoreTheme Of Feminism In Jane Eyre1733 Words  | 7 PagesEmily Griesinger perceives that Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s focus on both women and religion to be so prominent in Jane Eyre that she coined the term â€Å"biblical feminism†to simultaneously refer to these two themes. Brontà « wrote the novel in a time where radical feminist Protestantism was increasingly explored, and Griesinger’s overarching view is that Brontà « intended to illustrate that women of faith, like Jane, â€Å"are not disempowered but find strength to obey God even if it means going against social andRead MoreThe Pursuit of Human Freedom in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening and Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre1749 Words  | 7 PagesIn Kate Chopin’s The Awakening and Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre, one of the most prevalent and recurring themes and ideas relates to human freedom. The m ain characters in the two novels, Edna Pontellier and Jane Eyre, both long for social, religious, and sexual emancipation among other things – freedom from the constraints of Victorian society, which have rendered them dependent and inferior to men. While it is true that both protagonists of their respective novels wanted emancipation, their living
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Love Is Like a Roller Coaster - 902 Words
As the common clichà © goes, being in love with someone is like riding a roller coaster. It’s filled with ups and downs and twists and turns. In both occurrences, them can leave with pain, whether that be physical or emotional. They vary in aspects of manifestation, though, and in side effects. Love may resemble a roller coaster, but they are almost completely incompatible. Loving someone can be the hardest thing a person will ever do. Almost everyone becomes excited and giddy at the thought of love, but it is not always what it is seems to be. At first, love can be fun, especially to younger people. It is filled with cute, flirty texts, hanging out, and posting pictures on Facebook. It is as if nothing can go wrong, it seems perfect, eternal. But after awhile, it gets harder. Friends criticize the significant other and the arguing begins. If the significant other is a passive aggressive person, it gets even worse because more times than not, they will ignore them for some, which is not only aggravating but hurtful, because they think that that solves the problem. Love is filled with good times as well as bad times. A roller coaster is a lot like love in some aspects. It can be fun, yet it can be painful. One look at a roller coaster, and it seems like the most fun thing in the world. When one is going up the ramp, however, they start to think about whether or not they were wrong. Their bodies start to fill with dread and the nerves kick in, hinting that they are nervousShow MoreRelatedEssay on Love Is a Roller Coaster705 Words  | 3 PagesLove is a Roller Coaster In our lifetime, one is likely to ride a roller coaster at least once. We also may experience the feeling of love with someone we consider special. Both, being in love and riding a roller coaster, will cause a person to feel different emotions, some sad and some joyful. Just like a roller coaster has to remain on its tracks in order to function properly, a relationship has to have boundaries in order to flourish. We look forward to the rollerRead MoreThe Roller Coaster Of Roller Coasters1233 Words  | 5 Pagesthings, thus, the roller coaster was born. From sliding down rocky mountains, to the huge steel coasters we have today. Roller coasters have evolved, and will continue to evolve alongside humans. The way roller coasters are made, the safety of the roller coasters and the popularity of them are just a few things that make up the history of these magnificent gifts to man. Coaster history has its ups, downs and loop di loops, all that bring us to where we are t oday. Roller coasters originally were veryRead MoreRomantic Love : A Roller Coaster1283 Words  | 6 Pages   Imagine yourself just getting strapped in a roller coaster. You’re excited, because it’s a new experience for you. As you begin to exhilarate up your adrenalin begins to pump and your heart is beating rapidly. It’s just like the feeling you get in the start of a new relationship. When it comes to romantic love, it may be as obstacle as a roller coaster however the end result is worth everything. Romantic love brings you happiness, it challenges you, expands your mind to new things and it teachesRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1040 Words  | 5 PagesGulp, as I stared up at the towering tall roller coaster. Goosebumps covered my body. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. It was our turn next, as the coaster came into view. When it came to a halt, I inched in the roller coaster, as fear oozed out of my eyes. Next, I clipped my seat bel t in and forced the bar down, the lady soon was at my side and checking my seat belt. Her gentle hands grasped the strap, as she gave a few tugs here and there. When she put full pressure on the cold gray bar, itRead MoreRoller Coaster Physics1483 Words  | 6 PagesIndividuals love to go to the amusement parks and try out the rides that are available. The most common and thrilling ride is the roller coaster. An amusement park is not an amusement park if it does not contain a roller coaster. What makes these roller coasters so fun that every amuse parks has one. A lot of people would say it is their extreme high speeds that makes it very exciting. That is a valid answer, but it is the wrong answer. The speed has nothing to do with the excitement. It is moreRead MoreRelationship Between Tom And Summer1390 Words  | 6 Pagesconsidered to be a hopeless romantic, whereas Summer does not believe in the fantasy of love. Summer’s aversion to love stems from her parentâ€⠄¢s divorce, but it is the opposite for Tom even though his parents were divorced also. With Tom and Summer being two polar opposites from each other, it is easy to see how their relationship will already have conflict embedded within it. Although their story is not a conventional love story, Tom and Summer’s relationship that they never put a label on can be appliedRead MoreEssay on Overcoming my Fear of Roller Coasters809 Words  | 4 Pagesmy mind. Once I have seen these monstrous roller coasters, the only thing in my mind was fear. Knowing that I’m afraid to go on these rides, I didn’t want to look like a fool in front of my friends. My mind is thinking of deadly thoughts. My palms were sweaty and I was twitching like a fish. I was petrified of heights. We pulled into the roller coaster park in our Ford Excursion truck. It was me and my dearest friends. Our stomachs were growling like mountain lions. We haven’t had a chance toRead MoreMy Trip On The Roller Coaster Essay830 Words  | 4 Pagesthis roller coaster. Let me give you some background information to this story. Up until last summer I had never ridden a roller coaster that went upside down. They scared me too much, but when I went to the King’s Dominion amusement park, my best friend was determined to make me conquer my fears. The good news is that this story did end happy. I rode the Dominator, my first upside roller coaster, and I enjoyed it so much that I rode it again and then proceeded to ride almost every roller coasterRead MoreDescriptive Essay : Island Of Fun796 Words  | 4 Pages   Advanous Island of Fun Wet, slippery, and the warmth of of the sun equals joy and excitement. My favorite place to explore has food, swimming trunks, and relaxed.Water surround the whole place.Screaming and laughter on long and high tracks.I like the beach and employees there.There yellow and round that you use to go around the lazy river.The long curvy place to float and relax in goes around the entire place. I jump up from a queen size platform that gives you comfort and relaxes the body whenRead MoreMy Relationship is Like a Terrifying Plane Trip Essay527 Words  | 3 Pagesalmost nobody shouts, Get me out of here! That was how I felt when I fell in love for the first time. The relationship made me nervous in the beginning; it then turned the nervousness into bliss, and then things just took a bumpy turn from there. He was the first guy I had really actually dated. Many of my friends were telling me that he liked me, it was very obvious that I liked him, and a lot more; they talked about it like it was the most normal thing in the world. â€Å"People make out, date, and start
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Financial Accounting Research - Practice - and Financial Accountability
Question: Describe about the Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability. Answer: Introduction The main purpose of the assignment is to differentiate between harmonization of accounting standards and convergence of accounting standards. Harmonization mainly focuses on increased comparability in various related accounting policies (Macve 2015). It helps in providing spectacular growth in various sizes of multinational companies like foreign investment as well as cross border listings especially in the stock exchanges. Convergence of accounting standards involves IASB and FASB rules and regulation that brings uniformity of financial information. In the next section, adopting of IFRS in European Union explains the endorsement process in detailed way (Harrison et al. 2014). It faces various drawbacks in final implementation in most of the multinational corporations. In the last section, qualitative characteristics of accounting explains ways that will help in gaining sound information and relevancy of data collected in the financial statements. Harmonization against Convergence Harmonization of International Accounting Standards Meaning of Accounting Harmonization Harmonization is the process that substitutes standardization and implies making the same policies for future analysis. This particular accounting standard helps in increasing the level of compatibility of various accounting policies (Edwards 2013). Accounting Areas with different accounting policies Most of the analysts argue that it requires disaggregated information in areas of financial reporting systems. It helps in concentrating in some key accounting areas consisting of users availing such disaggregated information. Most of the companies exposes towards using various accounting policies for preparing financial statements in an overall manner. It mainly highlights the accounting areas where various accounting policies use financial results in the most appropriate way (Hoskin, Fizzell and Cherry 2014). In accordance with Statement of Accounting Standards, it publishes Institute of chartered accountants of India. These accounting areas involve various accounting policies by business enterprise for desired results. Valuation of stock Valuation of investments Various methods of amortization, depletion and depreciation Valuation of fixed assets Goodwill treatment Conversion into foreign currency Contingent liabilities treatment Retirement benefits Convergence of International Accounting Standards Background Financial Accounting Standards Board is working with IASB (International Accounting Standards Board. In the year 2002, FASB and IASB issued Norwalk Agreement that acknowledges the level of commitment in developing high quality and compatible accounting standards (Lee and Parker 2014). It helps in solving the issues of domestic as well as cross-border financial reporting. In the meeting, FASB and IASB pledges for using: Existing financial reporting standards for practicability Coordinating future work programs for achieving future accounting sets of rules in an overall manner It reaffirms level of commitment with convergence of US General Accepted Accounting Principles (DRURY 2013). A global standard remain for maintaining long-term strategic priority for FASB as well as IASB. Current Scenario FASB and IASB engage in short-term international convergence projects. The main objective of this project is to improve in GAAP and IFRS. It concentrates in eliminating certain individual differences between IFRS and US GAAP (Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso 2015). Addition to that, projects under short-term convergence remains limited in areas and address difference behind the scope of the projects. Convergence allows high-quality solution for achieving in the short-run between existing IFRS and GAPP. In the current phase, it is noticed that FASB addresses five key areas: Inventory Costs Asset Exchanges Earnings per share Balance sheet classification Accounting changes FASB and IASB announces long-term international convergence project for covering topics on: Revenue Recognition Leases Fair value measurements Pros and Cons of Harmonization Pros of Harmonization Comparability Harmonization helps in advocating ways in bringing comparing reasons between domestic as well as international peers. It mainly strives for enhancing comparability between various financial statements by restricting alternative accounting treatments in and around countries (Ryan 2012). Investors and analysts believe in comparing with enhanced comparability in the financial statements in the near future. Reduced Reporting Costs Most of the multinationals operates in countries with various accounting standards. It incurs huge costs in preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles. Harmonization of accounting standards benefits especially multinational corporations and preparation of financial statement in and around countries (Bevis 2013). Addition to that, it helps in enabling systematic review for evaluating level of performance for foreign subsidiaries as well as associates. Level Playing Field Harmonization of accounting standards prepares accounting principles in relation with General Accepted Accountability Principles. It idealizes ways in the global markets based upon the accounting principles in an overall manner. International Credibility Financial Statements enhances ways in assessing the level of financial performance for the potential investors in the most appropriate way (Macve 2015). Addition to that, it involves basic concepts for increased level of confidence and performance in an effective way. Cons of Harmonization Harmonization of accounting standards fails to address domestic accounting standards. This accounting standard was criticized that it fails in addressing the issues like social and economic institutions, tax implications, laws as well as political approaches and business practices (Picker 2016). Harmonization exists in different economic environment and it is useless in nature. For instance, country has own practices and adapting towards usage of international reporting standards (Barth 2015). This involves irrelevant information on new reporting standard for introduction of ambiguity and complication for the same. Harmonization of accounting standards fails to distinguish in the level of performance as per accounting requirements. The main aim of harmonization is to make use of financial statements in and around countries. It should make effort in bringing the process of international accounting standards in different countries (Cortesi et al. 2015). It faces difficulty in bringing same sets of principles for measurement as well as disclosure in an overall manner. Harmonization of accounting standards fails in maintaining uniform accounting policies and irresistible in nature (Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso 2015). It faces globalization issues and international operations depending upon the accounting standards in the near future. Adoption of IFRS in Europe Background This particular section examines the European Stock Market reactions in association with adoption of IFRS in Europe. Adoption of IFRS represents milestones especially in financial reporting convergence at highest levels of government (Martnezà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ferrero, Garciaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Sanchez and Cuadradoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ballesteros 2015). It involves positive reaction from firms with low quality of pre-adopted measures as well as information symmetry for the same. IFRS adoption faced negative reaction for firms in law countries. It consist investor enforcements of IFRS in and around countries. Positive reaction from IFRS adoption involves pre-adoption and expecting net convergence benefits in an overall manner (Macve 2015). European Union Adoption Process European Union Accounting Regime adopts IFRS accounting standards individually and referred as endorsement. It mainly focuses on European Union adoption for IFRS especially in European countries (Harrison et al. 2014). In the year 2002, European Parliament passes a resolution involving lists on stock exchanges especially for the European member states. It applies IFRS in preparation of financial statements for fiscal years. Adoption of IFRS standards represents substantial shifts in the financial reporting for European firms. The main goal for achieving capital market integration involves convergence the financial reporting in and around Europe (Edwards 2013). Resolution requires firms for using IFRS and issuing IASB in the private-sector standard setter. It mainly endorses standards in accordance with EU. The main objective of EU is to retain the power for rejecting any standard and believes in meeting criteria for endorsement (Hoskin, Fizzell and Cherry 2014). Main criteria involve : Understandability Reliability Comparability Relevance European endorsement process plays an important role in adopting IFRS in Europe. IASB develops IFRS in the procedures especially in its governing constitution. This particular process indulges in public meetings as well as extensive inputs from the parties in and around the world (Hunton, Libby and Mazza 2015). European Financial Reporting Advisory Group is one of the private-sector organizations that comprise experienced accounting experts from European Union. It helps in providing advice on matters relating to technical accounting. IFRS Adoption Events Adopting IFRS involves process for identifying events from 2002 to 2005. It identifies events by using terms in harmonization of accounting standards. It helps in providing initial release listing directional effective on IFRS adoption (Lee and Parker 2014). It mainly indicates carve-outs technical controversies in relation with fair value consideration. It eliminates and endorses ways closer for assessing events in increasing the likelihood of IFRS adoption. European Financial Reporting Advisory Group EFRAG is an organization that establishes broad group of organization for representing the European accounting profession. It mainly aims at preparing national standard setters goals like: It helps in providing technical expertise to the European Commission that mainly concerns usage of IAS especially in European Nation (Scott 2014). It mainly believes in participating IASB standard setting process (Deegan 2013). It helps in coordinating ways for development of European nation in response with International Accounting Standards (Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso 2015). Qualitative characteristics of Accounting Information Financial accounting helps in rendering useful information for creditors, investors as well as other decision-makers in and outside the business entity. In order to gather relevant financial information, decision-making process should be understandable in nature (Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso 2015). FASB created qualitative characteristics for gathering relevant financial information. This particular characteristic describes useful information in the final decision-making process. Accounting Relevance This particular qualitative characteristic helps in providing financial information to users in the decision-making process. This financial information is not related to users decisions as well as useful to creditors as well as investors (Ryan 2012). FASB commits in making financial reporting relevance to the end users. Accounting Reliability This particular qualitative characteristic helps in rendering financial information and verifies from the investors as well as creditors. Reliability includes trustworthiness on different types of financial statements (Bevis 2013). FASB shows high concern with reliability characteristics in case of financial statement information. Predictive value mainly provides quality financial information by the financial analyst as well as investors for the same. It mainly states the chart performance trends and makes the necessary predictions based upon future performance and profitability (Macve 2015). Timeliness is another factor that helps investors and creditors in final decision-making process. Quality information involves feedback values for confirming correct expectations. It mainly examines financial information and confirming from previous performance trends in an overall manner (Cortesi et al. 2015). Accounting Comparability This particular qualitative characteristic renders quality accounting information in addressing the measurement issues. It uses several measurement techniques in reporting similar kind of issues (Picker 2016). It is important to consider the fact that comparability provides extreme usefulness especially to the end users of financial statements. Accounting Consistency This concept of accounting refers mainly to the principles whereby companies use same accounting methods for recording similar transactions. Companies should not be involves in bouncing between accounting rules as well as treatments (Barth 2015). These actions are directly related in manipulating profits in the financial statements. Accounting consistency mainly helps in improving the quality of accounting information that allows end users in understanding and comparing financial statements. Conclusion It is concluded that harmonization and convergence of accounting standards provides certain sets of rules and regulations. Harmonization of financial statements helps in financial reporting system based upon the international accounting standards in and across the globe. International business community helps in recognizing ways in conducting uniform accounting standards. Initial focus on harmonization accounting standards involves reducing related differences on various accounting principles in and around the world. In the year 1990, it replaces the concept of convergence and providing high set of quality especially in the capital markets. It helps in converging accounting standards into set of rules in meeting the needs of preparing as well as users especially in global constituencies. Understandable financial information offers quality information whereby investors as well as creditors use ways for investment and credit decisions. It will be a waste of time if no one actually unde rstands the financial information. On the contrary, GAAP requires financial information that is understandable to concerned person. Addition to that, it is noticed that average uniformed person fails in understanding complicated set of financial statements. Reference List Barth, M.E., 2015. Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability.Abacus,51(4), pp.499-510. Bevis, H.W., 2013.Corporate Financial Accounting in a Competitive Economy (RLE Accounting). Routledge. Cortesi, A., Tettamanzi, P., Scaccabarozzi, U., Spertini, I. and Castoldi, S., 2015.Advanced Financial Accounting: Financial Statement AnalysisAccounting IssuesGroup Accounts. EGEA spa. Deegan, C., 2013.Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. 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